"Ronda's Whole Grain Chicken Feed Recipe"
Green Pastures Farm
"Here is the recipe that I devised in '99 and have been improving with additions, but using the ingredients in more or less the same ratio since 1999. Note that all items are whole grains, and certified organic. If you are looking for the cheapest feed, this isn't it. If you are looking for a healthy, natural feed for your flock, this is one way to go!
***Its not necessary to follow this recipe exactly...just make sure your birds are getting enough protein, which is predominant in the hard red wheat and the legumes. Free-range birds usually find plenty of protein from bugs etc.
2 parts whole corn (in winter this is increased to 3 or 4 parts)
3 parts soft white wheat
3 parts hard red winter wheat
1 part hulled barley
1 part oat groats
1 part sunflower seeds (in winter this is increased to 2 parts)
1 part millet
1 part kamut
1 part amaranth seeds
1 part split peas
1 part lentils
1 part quinoa
1 part sesame seeds
1/2 part flax seeds
1/2 part kelp granules
free choice of granite grit
free choice of oyster shell"

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