After a long day at the shop, I finally got home and had no idea what I was going to make for supper. I went into the garden and found a zucchini (of course) and some tomatoes. Stuffed Zucchini!! That's it :)

I had a few peppers in the fridge and so I made both.
Here's my EASY version of Stuffed Zucchini (and peppers)~
1 lb Lean Hamburg (I use grass fed antibiotic free)
3-4 zucchini (depending on size) OR 6-8 peppers
1 egg
1 bag of microwavable organic rice (trader joe or whole foods brand)
Handful of Parmesan and Romano cheese (or whatever you have)
1 can organic crushed tomatoes
1 tablespoon organic Oregano
1 tablespoon organic Rosemary
1 tablespoon organic Basil
Salt & Pepper
Preheat oven to 350
Clean zucchini, cut in half and scoop out seeds with a spoon.
Clean peppers and remove seeds.
Microwave rice as directed on package
In a bowl combine Hamburg, egg, cheese, spices, rice and 1/2 jar of crushed tomatoes
Stuff zucchini and peppers with hamburg mixture
Spray pan w/ olive oil
Place veggies in pan and pour over the rest of the can of crushed tomatoes. sprinkle more cheese on top
Garnish w/ fresh herbs
Bake for 1 1/2 hours or until zucchini & peppers are tender and hamburg is cooked throughout
After I popped this into the oven I headed back out into the garden.
Our first heirloom tomato was ready~ Picked that plus a few cherry tomatoes, some cucumber, celery, cilantro and fresh basil. Tossed everything together with some Paul Newman's organic Italian and here's my Salad :)

Then I thought I should cut some flowers for the table outside and make it look nice before hubby gets home~ The hydrangeas are at their peek so I went with a blue theme. The orange mint is also blossoming so I rubbed some leaves around the edge of our glasses and floated more on top of our lemonade~

Wait till I tell him we're having Zucchini bread (again) for dessert :)